I've enjoyed reading everyone's TBR Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday posts, and am thinking about trying it myself. Ever since I moved my cataloguing back to GR, I've only posted reviews here, so these posts might let me log the "might read" and "should have reviewed" portion of my reading.
To Be Read:
I don't know. I'm actually a little panicked about it. I've finished up my netgalley backlog and nothing is looking appealing. I want something simultaneously riveting and safe, something that won't rip me up inside but will keep me utterly captivated nonetheless. I'm not sure that type of book actually exists.
- In the meantime, I just started a reread of The Minority Council - Kate Griffin. Even though it fails the heartwrenching portion of my conditions, at least I know what to expect.
- I'm reading Dodger - Terry Pratchett, which is very cute. It's taking me a while because it's a little out of my age bracket and genre.
- Oh, yeah. I also just got Legend - Marie Lu on audio. It's not really my preferred genre, but I've heard good things, so I figured I'd give it a try.
To Be Reviewed
(organized in decreasing likelihood of actually being reviewed.)
- I started and finished The Far Time Incident - Neve Maslakovic, which was a lot of fun. It's a Netgalley book, so review definitely to follow.
- I finished The Half-life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date - Samuel Arbesman, which is a real milestone for me, as it's one of the first Netgalley books I ever received and somehow utterly failed to read or review. We're talking 2013 here. Getting this reviewed puts me on track to hit the elusive 100%.
- I finished Raising Stony Mayhall - Daryl Gregory, and I plan on reviewing it, but I have very complex feelings about it and keep putting it off.
- I started and finished Lives in Ruins: Archaeologists and the Seductive Lure of Human Rubble - Marilyn Johnson. It's a portrait of archaeologists rather than archaeology, and all the more interesting for it. A lot of them are real characters, including the guy who does an annual goat roast using Neanderthal tools.
- I listened to The Lady from Zagreb - Philip Kerr on audio, and it's a lot of fun. I can't accept that anyone could speak a tenth of the treason that Gunther does and still survive, but his sarcasm is part of what makes these books surprisingly entertaining. I'll definitely be on the lookout for other books in the series.
Yep, that's about it.